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Top Social Media Sites to Rule Over Market

  • Reading time:8 mins read

Social media sites are a great way to connect with new people and reconnect with old friends and relatives living far away from near ones. Where social media sites help in socializing, their innovative use has changed the way people used to carry on their businesses. As sites have billions of people using them daily for one or another purpose, they are a great way to promote businesses. The businessperson by joining the sites can connect with the target people and grow their conversion rates.

With the right social media advertising strategy, they know which site to target for what age group or people category. There are many social media channels and choosing the right one may seem tedious to businesspersons. But, with the help of a proficient digital marketing company, they can get organic traffic, increase brand awareness, get a higher Search Engine Result Page (SERP) ranking, and in turn target and achieve a potential return on investments.

Let’s have a look at the social media sites that are shaping businesses in a new pattern.


Facebook helps businesses connect with the widest number of people as most people use Facebook religiously. Though it is understood that Facebook’s current audience comprises the elder generation, there are still many who are creating their accounts on Facebook daily. It is one of the favorite and easy ways to connect with people and make people aware of the products and services.

With the Facebook business page, businesses grow their visibility and increase brand awareness about their services to the targeted consumers. It is the site that lets you stay in touch with the consumers so that by continuously updating services and product information, promo, news, advertisements, and other such details, you make people bound to the website. You can stay connected with them through reviews, and Facebook Messenger and in turn increase return on ad spend (ROAS). Facebook is known for the highest ROAS when it comes to paid advertisement. When users see ads on Facebook, they would like to click to know more about them which increases the click rate.


Instagram is the social media channel that is most widely used by millennials. It is being used mostly by people under 40s and to target such consumers, one needs a solid business strategy. Being a part of Facebook, businesses can post their business ads simultaneously on both social media platforms. Paid advertising marketers vouch for the platform as the business can easily grow its user base by constantly updating its content on social media channels.

Instagram has recently introduced shopping tags that give business accounts a possibility to link the photos to the website so that the user when they click on a photo can reach the website as well. And once they enter the website they can know all about your services, products, and offerings. That is why it is becoming a favorite of e-commerce websites or businesses. One can also target consumers with widespread influencer marketing as when the person who is famous is endorsing a product or service, the users are more likely to buy it.

Both Facebook and Instagram sites work on cost-per-click (CPC) or cost per impression (CPM) that clearly demarcates that you can spend how much you want. If you want high traffic, you can use an aggressive advertising method and in case you have a low budget then also you can target by budget Facebook ad campaigns or Instagram ad campaigns. Instagram offers more targeting of consumers through higher ad engagement that is why it is slightly an expensive medium.


LinkedIn is a social media site that is famous among professionals and it is known for business-to-business (B2B) advertising. The businesses can target potential B2B lead generations and can connect the businessperson with qualified consumers. LinkedIn is the site through which businesses can connect with commercial clients, other businesses, and brands. It is the first choice of business marketers. It has inbuilt sponsored In mail ads and user feed ads that make it invincible for businesses and markets.

LinkedIn is the fifth most popular platform in social media channels and aims at enhancing visibility through well-organized LinkedIn campaigns. Businesses can build direct professional relationships with users. The businesses that want to grow their company strength can also post for jobs here and get skilled and qualified employees through LinkedIn.


Twitter is a social media site that is famous for its fast-paced spread in the minimum time. It keeps the messages precise by restricting them to 280 characters as every word counts there. The businessperson can add the link, photos, or any other information about the company to connect with the users. The marketer can put both contents and paid ads through which they get targeted organic traffic. It is one of the older and larger social media channels that presents a better opportunity to grow the network, increase visibility, boost brand awareness, and get better revenues.  


Pinterest is like a digital inspiration pinboard that you might have come across for fun or some business purposes. The businessperson can post the content on Pinterest which gives the opportunity of directly linking the website through which your users can get to know about the services and products. Businesses can grow awareness about their business through paid advertising, incessant content posting, and good networking.

Thus, we see that through the proper usage of social media sites, the businesses can grow their ranking and even achieve rank #1, and get a better return on investments. There are many social media channels but with the above-mentioned platforms, one has more chances of getting and attracting the attention of viewers. Through proper usage, one grows visibility, brand awareness, brand identity, and brand image of their business.

Best Social media advertising services at Banyanbrain

But business promotion is not as easy as posting images, it needs proper channeling. Banyanbrain, a digital marketing company in Gurugram, helps you target the right social media channels through perfect and precise social media campaigns. Through our campaigns, and with other services like SEO, local SEO, SMO services, PPC, ORM, and website design and development services, we target the right users and convert them into your devout consumers.

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