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Social Media Optimization: Tips to Boost Your Website Rankings

Social Media Optimization or SMO is not something that is frightening or unachievable. It is one of the important parts of digital marketing strategy and takes the businesses to another whole new level. Though people always get confused with SMM services, there are big differences between SMO and SMM services that need totally different levels of strategies. Here we will look all about SMO strategies to give the brand a huge success.

SMO is a must needed for building an online reputation and giving your business a boost by making people aware of the business on different social media channels. The digital marketing companies vouch for it as they know the real value of the service. By applying Social Media Optimization strategies, they help you achieve the unattainable. Through Social Media Optimization, your business boosts its search engine rankings, attracts organic traffic, creates brand identity, boosts brand awareness, and last but not least the business gets huge returns on investment. All this is achieved just by targeting the right people, by addressing them in a needful way, and then converting the visitors to your consumers. 

Guide on Social media optimization to boost website ranking by Banyanbrain

What are Social Media Optimization tips to boost website rankings?

One can grab all this by following the Social Media Optimization tips that are given below. Let’s know all about it in detail.

Keywords, Keywords, and Keywords

Want to grow your SERP ranking? Keywords are the answer, without them, you will be lost in the sea of the online world. There are billions of websites on the internet and to beat all and get a good ranking, one has to use keywords in every post they make online, every content should be keyword rich. Keywords and social media run parallel, where one is needed for the other. Right from bio, companies’ details, products’ details, and every info needs to be keyword optimized.

Though the keyword should be added in a way that looks natural otherwise there is a huge risk that despite increasing ratings, you will lose people’s interest. Overdoing should also be avoided as it will make the post look like spam or too much promotional that deters the consumers from taking the services. Taking professional help from internet marketing agencies will improve website ranking in an organic way as they have tools like keyword planners.

Socially Optimized Website

If you want to totally utilize social media channels and get optimum results, you have to optimize your website with social media. By blending both, the online presence can be enhanced and the business will get a huge promotion. One can blend the two by incorporating websites with social sharing buttons and by linking both with each other. The social media channel and website should be interlinked with direct links as when one visits on websites, should be able to reach social media page and when one goes to your social media page, should be directed towards the website.

By adding social media sharing buttons on the blog posts, you will increase web authority by using such qualitative links. Increase registration conversions with social logins, and you will see better functionality of the website. By socially optimizing the website you will grow organic traffic, and in turn, give the consumers a better user experience.

Qualitative Content

You might have read many times that “Content is the King”. But in Social Media Optimization you get the feel of it. With the right content, you can convert consumers to your websites. Content is a wand that you would never want to lose. The digital marketing agencies swear by it as how many times the algorithms will change but the content is going to remain on the top always.

By constantly sharing qualitative content on social media channels, you are going to see the numbers getting changed for the web ranking. The content should be optimized, synonymous with the services you provide, informative, and value-added. And above all, the content should be entertaining as this is what makes the consumers glued to the website and social media page. The more interactive the content is, the more website conversion can be realized.

Grow Followers Organically

Growing a follower base is every business’s dream. But in following the dream, never forget that the website will have an influencing effect only when it has real followers as then only it will achieve organic growth. Getting fake followers through bots, damages and tarnishes the image of the website deeply. Getting followers in an organic way is a slow and time-taking process but when it surfaces, it is one of the most effective and subtle methods to grow the website’s ranking.

You can do so by putting content on the webpage and social media site continuously. It should be engaging, informative, short, and should present the unique idea of your brand. This will help you in getting organic followers in a sustainable way.

External Inbound Linking

By external inbound linking your site is going to rank high. By using external linking you reach more people who are not your consumer for now. But once they visit the link, they will come to visit your website. To gain increased website authority and visibility, you need to diversify the external links. By posting qualitative and interactive content, and maximizing the external link sources, your domain is going to lead and rise.


Micro-blogging is a new form that is changing the follower world and the way you can increase the web ranking. Microblogs are different from regular blogs in a way that they are small, precise, and have more impact as they convey the direct message of the services your business is offering. It comprises one or two sentences, or shares links to videos, images, or any other articles. 

Post Optimization

Post optimization is necessary for reaching your consumers and enhancing the visibility of your site. To increase the engagement of the visitors and consumers to the website, you need to anchor your posts. By posting infographic content, videos, links, case studies, and using the title that well makes out the point and attracts attention instantly, you see a rise in ranking. The title should be optimized and seasoned with keywords to support organic searching and attain new heights.

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is a strategy using which one can substantially grow online presence thus increasing web ranking on Search Engine Result Pages. It is linking social sites with your businesses’ website link. This link is public in nature and can encourage the site to active discussions and thus increasing the networking of the site between consumers. For this, you have to bookmark websites on some famous sites like Reddit, Scoopt, etc. 

Backlink worthy Content

The content that is posted on social media channels should be so powerful that it can attract many viewers. If the content is strategized in a way that it can go viral, then there is no way to stop it from reaching millions. When you post content that is captivating, it makes other people or brands refer to it and share it. This gives the chance of backlinking of their content with your social media profiles and subsequently your website. By backlinking, you gain a higher ranking in search engines.

Social Media Analytics

By using Social Media Analytics you can scrutinize the performances of posts on social media pages. Through this, you get to know where more work is needed, which practice should be banished, and what practice should be more optimized to garner optimum results. By analyzing self and other competitors, you can choose the strategies that work well for the website.

CTA button for social media optimization services from Banyanbrain

By using the above-mentioned Social Media Optimization tips, you can grow your online presence and eventually the website ranking on Search Engine Result Pages and have a successful business. This not only helps in growing the business exponentially but also leads to great returns on investments. There are many digital marketing agencies in India that help businesses by applying the most perfect digital marketing and SMO strategies to give the business a strategic boost.