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How to Generate Website Traffic through Social Media?

  • Reading time:12 mins read

Irrespective of the type and size of your business, it’s every marketer’s dream to generate website traffic through social media marketing or by any other means. This is because it is a key factor in determining the effectiveness of a business in attracting customers. For small business owners, social media helps in building brand awareness, products, and services and develops an everlasting relationship with customers. With 3.8 billion social media users globally, there has never been a better time to interact with like-minded people. Social media is the new-age lead-generating machine.


What is Social Media Marketing? 

The use of social media websites and social networks for marketing a company’s products and services is called social media marketing (SMM). To elaborate even more it is the procedure of creating specifically tailored content for each social media platform to increase engagement with the users and thereby promote your business.


Why is Social Media Marketing important? 

In today’s world, customers use social media when they want to find out more about a business as this is where they will find other people who are also talking about that business. Inversely companies are looking into social media to gain an insight into what customers think and want. 

What are the ways in which marketers can harness the power of Social Media for driving more website traffic? 

Want your small business to stand out from the competition? Well, social media platforms are powerful tools to help your business get noticed by potential customers. Here are some ways to generate website traffic through social media marketing. 

Input site details with company info 

Whether it is an Instagram bio, Facebook section, or LinkedIn company page, input description is the first thing people see when clicking on your company’s social media profile. Thus, it’s a perfect spot to make a first impression on the user base. This makes it easier for people to find your website and thereby increasing traffic. It’s important to keep in mind that adding the site URL in the about section of your profile creates a sense of brand credibility among visitors. 

Optimize all your social media 

One of the best ways to generate traffic for your website is to optimize all your social media profiles. You should fully optimize your social media just like websites. It is an essential and great SEO practice. A few ways to optimize are adding branded cover images featuring your logo and products. Link your social media to other social media profiles to help users locate your other social accounts. 

Upgrade your social media marketing strategy 

Algorithms and trends keep changing every day when it comes to social media. The ongoing COVID-19 situation has resulted in losses for many businesses. So it is very important to keep upgrading and refining your social media strategy whether it’s changing trends or a time of crisis. It is during times of crisis people spend more time at home, on social media. It is the gateway to digital businesses. The more fascinating your social media is the higher traffic it will generate. So religiously invest in your social media plan. The more the content, the more interaction there will be with people. 

Share your blogs consistently 

Keep in mind just writing great blog content isn’t enough. Optimizing blog posts and promoting them through the right medium is also essential. Write informative, value-driven, and useful content with pitch-perfect grammar and always use relevant keywords. So, if you want the world to read your gem of a blog, share and promote it on your social media accounts. Make sure to use all your social media accounts to share your latest blogs and other useful pages on your site. 

Use meme marketing 

Memes are something that both Millennials and Gen Z relate to and use daily. Brands have begun to pick up on the trend and are using it as a vehicle for marketing on social media. 

One of the biggest social media mistakes we as a brand can make is posting a meme without really knowing what it means. To understand a meme we need to know the origin, the intention, and why it’s humorous, or else it is just going to make it cringe. 

Make your content easy to share 

You as a business owner always want people to read your blogs and share them within their social networks. There’s a high chance they will be going through these blogs during their snack break on Facebook and clicking on a link shared by a friend. Marketers should encourage and allow visitors to share content by embedding social sharing tools. Use added social buttons so that users can select where they want to share your content. 

Focus on visual content more 

It’s easy for common people to scroll their social media feed and miss any helpful or interesting content. You can stop your potential site visits from doing the same. So what is the solution? Replace wordy content with visually appealing content that has the ability to differentiate itself from the crowd. You could add images, GIFs, videos, graphs, animations, infographics, and screenshots to spice things up and make the target audience more likely to share your content. 

Engage your audience regularly 

Many business owners, including many big companies, can easily overlook social media. You don’t want to make this a fallacy. Social media is unique as it acts as a two-way interactive medium to connect and engage with their customers directly. You need to have a good customer engagement strategy. Very few brands reply back to their audience, so it is a good opportunity for you to level up and land a few personal comments. If your target audience is aware that they’ll get a response from you, they are more likely to visit often. It will increase traffic to your website and increase your brand’s reputation in your customer’s minds. 


Is it ok to share content more than once? 

Sharing your content multiple times on social media can trigger strong reactions among your audience. Some people don’t really care or notice that a post has been shared multiple times but it’s difficult to argue with results. When you think about it, what is the worst that could happen? One element of marketing we fail to realize is that nobody notices everything we do. Social media followers in most cases aren’t Sherlock Holmes who goes after every detail. So, sharing a post more than once is an essential part of providing your audience with the promised value. If you don’t share, they may never see your content. 


How not to be a spammer? 

People may have plug-ins installed on their devices that notify them whenever a social media page is oversharing content. It thereby may feel like spam which is among the most common social media mistakes to avoid. With this strategy to get the short-term click, people will eventually start ignoring your posts. Consider the following things in mind; 

  • Take your followers into consideration. The posts are for them, not for you. 
  • Don’t turn into a spammer. Make a smart planned-out schedule. 
  • Put yourself in your audience’s shoes. 
  • Don’t do anything that you wouldn’t like. 
  • Always provide value for your audience. 


How to share your content more than once? 

Develop a sharing schedule: Check how often you can share your content on each network, the ideal time of day for posting, the freshness or shareability of the content. Create variety in your social sharing schedule. 

Never share the same message twice: When we share a post on social media, it usually consists of a title, a link, and a few hashtags. This is fine once, otherwise repeating the same steps again and again will bore your audience. 

Optimize your content for each network: Different social media networks handle images and texts differently. Therefore, take advantage of the strengths of each network to add variety to your content. 

Monitor your results: It’s essential to monitor your results to make sure that the changes you have made are creating a positive difference. Check for an increase or decrease in activity; negative feedback from customers, or slowly fading of interest from your content. 


How content shared more than once may go viral? 

The original posting of content might not generate much buzz among the audience as many of them may miss out. Thus, by sharing your content more than once on social media, there is always a chance of doubling your traffic, in some cases even going viral. But again don’t become a spammer.


Want to increase your website traffic? 

There are many social media marketing companies nowadays that can always provide you with a little boost to website traffic through various SMM, SEO, and other forms of digital marketing. One of the best online marketing service agencies to generate website traffic through social media marketing amongst them is Banyanbrain. Being a top SMO agency, we make sure your content or post receives the deserved amount of attention on social media. 

Contact us for Social media marketing services by Banyanbrain

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