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Digital Marketing Tips – Do’s & Dont’s

  • Reading time:19 mins read

In the post-pandemic era when the consumers were home-stricken for more than a year, digital marketing has gained a gigantic role in the success of small homebound businesses as well as business giants. While being stuck inside the walls of their own houses, consumers by default acquired the skill to tune out of digital content and ads that don’t stand out.

It is, therefore, imperative to focus on top-notch digital marketing tips and tricks that would help businesses flourish. Pre pandemic times were different in terms of marketing since brands utilized an amalgamation of conventional marketing methods with a touch of digital marketing tips to grow their business. But with the advent of the COVID crisis, there has been a paradigm shift in the mode of marketing strategies and tips. 

Now, the brands are looking for quick digital marketing tips to establish a solid foundation for their business. However, as we know, change is the essence of life. So are marketing agency tips and tricks.

Banyanbrain is such a digital marketing agency that offers top digital marketing tips to up the game of your brand in the digital space.

Digital marketing tips- Do's and Dont's by Banyanbrain

Let us walk you through online marketing and the best digital marketing tips and tricks for beginners.

What is digital marketing?

‘Digital Marketing ‘ has become a common terminology known to almost every single person out there on the internet. But what does it mean?

Well, digital marketing is the process of connecting to the targeted audience and consumers by generating qualitative leads by using various digital tools available on the internet. So, what are these tools, and how does digital marketing help brands gain success beyond conventional growth. Basically, digital marketing utilizes SEO, SMM, PPC strategies, etc. to go high on SERPs to increase the brand online visibility by quality lead generations and targeting the most organic consumers. This targeted audience generates maximum ROI with the use of the best digital marketing tips. 

Thus, jumping into the digital marketing world without knowing the basic DOs & DON’Ts of online marketing tips for small businesses would be a Freudian mistake. Hence, let us now delve into a few important dOs and dON’Ts of digital marketing and learn the most organic and effective internet marketing tips.

What are the dos of digital marketing?

What are the best and most fruitful practices in the arena of digital marketing to boost the growth curve of your business?

Implementing a plan

Among the top digital marketing strategies and tips, the first and foremost step is – Do implement a schematic and premeditated plan. The stability in one’s business only comes from a well-chalked-out business approach. And if this is difficult to achieve on your own. It is recommended to seek professional help from digital marketing agencies. They aim to stabilize your business by indulging the best digital marketing tips for startups. 

With changing times, there is constant evolution in the market trends. The digital marketing agencies make sure to implement their best social media marketing strategies in 2021 to increase your brand reach on social media by following the ongoing trends. It is extremely essential to always think with a fresh perspective to prevent a stationary growth rate.

Knowing the targeted audience

The next step to up your game is- do know the targeted and organic audience for your business. Don’t follow in the footsteps of other people. The digital marketing strategies and tips that have worked for some other businesses may not necessarily be the Selaginella elixir to save your business. A customized approach with the picture of an audience that your business caters to is a big yes!

Conduct surveys to get an idea about your targeted audience. Their preferences, their reactions, the path they follow, their demographic variables, and their taste will help you to devise audience-specific services to lure them to invest in your products. Instead of investing through a mass audience approach, it’s better to assess what are the needs and tastes of your target audience that will get you the maximum ROI.

Knowing your brand and competition

Once you know about your audience, the next crucial step is – Do assess your brand and its competition.

It is crucial for a good digital marketer to always think out of the box and be one step ahead of its competitors. So, this makes keeping an eagle’s eye on your competitors’ actions and movements a must-do.

For example, the major shoe giants such as Nike, Puma, etc. always give off nearly the same percentage of discount and at the same time. The only purpose behind this is to sway the customers of their competitors towards their products by offering alluring deals.

Looking for the right social media channels

Recently, a myth is circulating over the internet implying that excelling on social media is the only way to enhance your brand visibility. This is not at all true as Google is still the most used search engine to date. Therefore, it is essential to look for social media channels that will bear fruitful results for you. 

‘Do identify the social media platform’ where your targeted audience is most active and present for the maximum time so that you can target the right people at the right time. And this definitely is the right approach for your business.

Frequency testing and tracking

Once you are done with implementing a premeditated plan and running relevant ad campaigns with all your goals and objectives in mind. The next important step is to keep a check on the progress and performance of these ad campaigns.

The easiest way to keep a check on the ad campaigns is to use a tool known as Google Analytics and Search Console. There are numerous other tools also available on the internet to keep your marketing efforts in check. We, at Banyanbrain, offer a 100% transparent cloud-based solution where you can track your progress and results at any time you want.

User-friendly website designing

Social media marketing is never limited to creating content and posting it on the social media feed. But the key asset that determines the ultimate success of your business is your website. Wherever you market using the online marketing tips and tricks, it ultimately gets redirected to your brand website. ‘Do make sure to invest in building a user-friendly website development and designing. 

Creating a website is not an option but an essential prerequisite. The primary goal is to provide the consumers with a seamless user experience and indulge the ‘rule of 3 seconds’ while building your website. It implies that the website must open within 3-5 seconds or else there is a high chance of getting skipped. Use a good visual appeal by making your website lucrative and eye-catchy with top-notch content, good quality images, Infographics and videos.

Writing relevant and creative content

To flourish in the arena of neck-to-neck competition- do write relevant and creative unique content. This is one of the best digital marketing tips to build your brand reputation. Since high quality and plagiarism-free content helps in excelling over your competitors.

Utilize the digital marketing SEO tips to make your content SERP-friendly. Seek professional help to get the best digital marketing tips for your blog. The content should mainly cater to the preferences of the targeted potential audience and must appeal to them. Only then the audience will form an interest in the brand and develop a connection with you. Relevancy is the key to writing effective yet alluring content. Writing relevant well-tailored content suiting your targeted audience will help you level up your game in the digital arena.

Customer service response check

In order to build healthy customer relations- do regularly check customer service responses. We, at, Banyanbrain wholeheartedly believe in the concept “the customer is the king” thus, it is our duty to appeal to the king in each and every possible manner.

Getting regular feedback on your services and products will help you know your customers better. Consequently, you can devise ways to up your services to get better customer reviews and ratings. These reviews and ratings will help you in building a brand reputation that is difficult to ‘get by’. The ball is in your court to level up your game by providing your customers a better digital experience.

Sending direct Mail

The next important point is – Do send direct mail to your customer. This ensures that your customer will visit your website, thus, helping in generating PPC revenue. It is a great way of getting your target audience to respond to your products.

Studies indicate that a direct mail piece can make a customer visit the parent website and follow the brand on all social media platforms. In turn, create a seamless user experience across all social media channels.

Investment in digital marketing strategies

With the advent of newer technologies every day, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing tools. The rat race demands the use of newer online marketing strategies and tools that will be resourceful for your business. Numerous tools such as the Keyword analysis tool, plagiarism checker tool, content creation tool, Search engine optimization tool, link management tool, paid ad report and analysis tool, survey tools, web analytics tool, etc. are available over the internet. The best way to utilize these tools would be to hire a digital marketing specialist to handle your brand reputation and marketing. If you are a startup business, hiring digital marketing professionals might seem to go over the budget. However, it’s completely your choice. Investment in the right tools will definitely bear the fruits of success.

What not to do? 

As our list of most ignorant yet the most effective DOs end, it’s time to dig into a few overhyped and indecently used DON’Ts. Let us look at a few of them:

Don’t choose quantity over quality

Prioritizing the volume of content over the quality is a gigantic no-no. Always remember the quality of your content is what decides whether the audience will visit your website again or not. Neither search engines like Google nor social media platforms care about the frequency and number of posts on your feed. Consistency is important but quality is the most important aspect. Always keep in mind-good quality content always and forever triumphs over good quantity content.

Don’t ignore mobile optimization

Today nearly over 4 billion people use palm-friendly and portable mobile phones to access the internet. Mobile phones are easier to use instead of larger alternatives such as tablets and laptops. It is quite essential for businesses to design a mobile-friendly interface for their websites. This will enable consumers to have a seamless user experience. It leaves a positive impact on the mind of the viewer.

Don’t spam or overshare

Very frequent sharing of content on your website feed or social media pages is a big no-no! Nobody likes the feeling of being spammed with a similar kind of content. Make sure to keep sharing content to an optimum amount.

Consistency is the key but never bombard your viewers with truckloads of content all at once. Instead of appreciating the variety of content, they might start complaining about the oversharing. Make sure to keep it to an optimum number of times per week and give the audience time to engage.

Don’t forget to keep your website up-to-date

Just building a high-tech user-friendly website is of no use if it gets outdated after a while. It might start appearing stagnant. And the customer might lose his/her interest as well.  It is imperative to keep updating the website with the latest ongoing trends. Write the latest relevant content, create reels, videos, post images, etc. across the website. As the consumers will develop interest, they will come back again and again, helping in generating maximum ROI. 

Don’t be impatient

Patience is the key to success. Online businesses take time to spread their roots to the deeper levels and carve a niche for themselves amongst their competitors. A few might go viral and their businesses may boom overnight but this may not be the case for every business. If the results are not as per your expectations. Instead of getting all impatient, drink a chilled glass of water and gulp down a bolus of patience down your throat. A thoughtless action taken in a hurry might cost you a fortune, thus, it’s better to be patient and wait for the results to show up.

Don’t overthink if you need professional help

Digital marketing is not limited to just one or two elements. It comprises hundreds of tiny elements that are taken care of to help your brand excel and gain a leg over your competitors. It might get difficult to take over multiple roles all at once and alone. In case you need to seek professional help from a digital marketing expert, there’s nothing wrong with doing it.  In fact, it’s better, as a professional is experienced and knows the loopholes of the digital world. A digital marketing specialist will do thorough research on your business and your competitors. They will help you devise a perfect custom approach and increase your chances of growth radically.

Don’t forget social media channels

Forgetting social media platforms when they are the essence of trends would be a big mistake. Always make sure to create good content, preferably good videos, and post them on your social media platforms at least twice a week or so.  Identifying the social media channel that will help you reach the maximum of your target audience will help you step up the ladder of success. 

Don’t forget SEO updates 

Search Engine Optimisation is the keystone of the digital marketing landscape. If you wish to rank high up on search engine ranking pages, you will need to indulge in hardcore SEO practices. SEO services help you to increase the website visibility, build a brand reputation, attract more organic traffic, generate quality leads, etc.

SEO marketing is not enough to excel over your competitors, you also need to simultaneously adapt to changing trends and update your SEO tactics every time after a little while. A good SEO approach will help you get a competitive edge over your competitors in the digital world.

Don’t underestimate the power of visual appeal

Visual mode is an impactful way to communicate with your consumers. The more creative approach you will indulge, the more people will get attracted to your website. Whether it is search engines or social media pages, good quality infographics, images, videos and feed aesthetics form the core of designing a perfect visual for your website. If you wish to succeed faster, visual communication through a well-designed user interface is the key.

Have you been looking for a good digital marketing firm for tips for online marketing success?

Worry not, you are in the right hands. We, at Banyanbrain, make sure to indulge the best tips and tricks for digital marketing to level up your game in the prevalent digital space and build you a brand name and reputation that leaves an impact on the consumer’s mind.

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We offer different services based on your requirements. Our specialists will make sure to help you build a base foundation for the brand that you dream of. In a nutshell, our extremely capable pool of professionals will make sure to get you the deliverables that matter.

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